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Issue Brief
The basic idea behind EPR is that: the burden of responsibility for the end-of-life treatment of products placed onto the market should be taken by the producers. EPR is usually conceived as a comprehensive policy package, combining various instruments to simultaneously achieve three distinct objectives: - Improved waste management and resource...
Issue Brief
Efficient use of materials is becoming a major policy concern for rapidly emerging economies due to the risk of resource crises and price hikes in resources. A “phased approach” would promote a resource-efficient global economy as different countries face different challenges in the management of waste and materials. Such programs should be country...
Issue Brief
This brief, which addresses issues surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by Columbia, Guatemala, and Peru during the Rio+20 processes, aims to remind policymakers and other stakeholders of the importance of reaching a solid outcome at Rio+20, as well as for the future. It provides a summary of ongoing discussions and...
Issue Brief
As a contribution to the Rio+20 process this Issue Brief highlights resilience and sustainable development by drawing on the knowledge on natural hazards and disasters gained from governments, researchers and other stakeholders. The terms resilience, vulnerability and adaptive capacity are used daily, but take on specific definitions and functions...
Annual Report
[ 目次 ] I.IGESのあらまし II.各研究プロジェクト・プログラムの活動報告 ・ 気候政策プロジェクト ・ 森林保全プロジェクト ・ 都市環境管理プロジェクト ・ 淡水資源管理プロジェクト ・ 産業と持続可能社会プロジェクト ・ 長期展望・政策統合プロジェクト ・ CDM(クリーン開発メカニズム)プログラム III.戦略研究の具現化に向けた活動 ・ エコアジア2004 ・ 2004年度「産業と環境」国際シンポジウム ・ COP10(国連気候変動枠組条約第10回締約国会議)サイドイベント「適応問題を開発政策の主軸へ」 ・ COP10サイドイベント「京都議定書」 ・ COP10サイドイベント「CDM事業推進へ向けた次へのステップ」 ・ 協働型森林ガバナンスワークショップ ・...