Results 1 - 10 of 13 (Sorted by date)
Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Certification - Blue Oasis
The presentation provided the global trend of the environmental crises and the preliminary research results on the current recognition and awareness on the environmental issues among the tourism industry and tourists in Mauritius and the potential changes towards a sustainable society. It also aimed to inform the usefulness of the sustainable...
Fifth Science-policy Forum For Biodiversity
This is presented at the Fifth Science-policy Forum For Biodiversity on 12 December, COP15 in Montréal. It aimed to apply the Tourism and Sustainable Transformation Framework, while integraing the recent findings from the IPBES assessments, to the case of coastal communities in Mauritius where the majority of the local communities are artisanal...
オンラインセミナー:クリーンウッド法は世界の動きをどう取り入れるか? 違法伐採から森林減少防止へ ~施行5年後見直しを機に考える~
本プレゼンテーションは、2021年7月16日に開催された「気候変動ウェビナーシリーズ:カーボンプライシングの国内外の動向」の発表資料です。 途上国における動向として、世界銀行の市場メカニズム準備基金を通したチリ、メキシコ、南アフリカの取り組みを解説しています。
This presentation provides insights on how to leverage the potential of the industry sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh. Taking an SDG interlinkages perspective, the presentation demonstrates the crucial role of the industry sector in the SDGs, identifies some of the critical challenges (such as in the labour...
HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
First Sub-Regional workshop on Preparation of status Report and Sub-regional Roadmap for Implementing the Global Waste Management Goals toward Addressing SDGs in South Asia
Home to roughly 1.8 billion people, South Asia generates approximately 334 million tonnes of waste per year of which 174 million tonnes (57%) is organic in content. In addition to the increase in municipal solid waste, managing complex and emerging waste streams, including e-waste, food waste, construction and demolition waste, disaster waste...