Results 1 - 10 of 10 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
APEIS/RISPO Strategic Policy Options (SPOs) Database
"Compact city" in this policy option refers to land planning focusing on higher density and better accessibility which reduces automobile dependency. "Smart growth" is a general term for land use practices that create more accessible land use patterns which reduce the amount of travel needed to reach goods and services (Litman, 2003a). Experiences...
PR, Newsletter or Other
IGES has been announcing the top news on the environment in the Asia-Pacific region every year since 1998 in order to collect and organise information about environmental issues and policy trends in this region, and to report on how this region addresses environmental problems and how it works to create a sustainable society. For this year' s top...
PR, Newsletter or Other
[カンボジア]コル・バサナ (環境省 (MoE) 国際公共協力部門) 1. IUCN保護地域世界委員会の東南アジアでの第2回地域フォーラムへの参加 2. ワークショップ「国際的に重要な湿地に関するラムサール条約の認識」の開催 3. 「森林犯罪の監視と報告事業」実施へ 4. 地域の森林開発に関するワークショップの開催 5. 23の保護地域の管理に関する準行政命令の起草 [中国]周 新 (国家環境保護総局/環境経済・政策研究センター) 1. 中国環境保護法施行20周年 2. 公害防止策の主な成果 3. 環境保護への投資増大 4. 長江、黄河流域の生態環境の保護 [インド]周 新 アイエール・マイティリ (タタ・エネルギー研究所) 1. 最高裁がデリーにおける排出基準を強化 2...
Conference Proceeding
CONTENTS: Part 1: Executive Summary Session 1: A Review of Forest Management in Indonesia and the Philippines Session 2: Policy Recommendations for Participatory Forest Management in Indonesia and the Philippines and Timber Trade Policy Session 3: Local Experiences in Indonesia Session 4: Discussants' Comments Session 5: Group Discussion Plenary...