Results 1 - 6 of 6 (Sorted by date)
Working Paper
This paper goes through the three historical experiences of carbon taxation in France and provides a detailed overview of the past attempts and current challenges to effectively put a price on carbon. By analysing the characteristics of each case, it explains the reasons for failure and success in adopting such tax and tries to help the reader...
Commissioned Report
COP21 で採択されたパリ協定においては、世界全体の平均気温の上昇を2℃より⼗分下⽅に抑える世界共通の⽬標が設定され、我が国のみならず、世界全体での⼤幅削減が必要である。また、我が国においては、昨年10 ⽉に菅内閣総理⼤⾂が2050 年までにカーボンニュートラルを⽬指すことを宣⾔したほか、今年4 ⽉には2030 年度に温室効果ガス46%の削減、さらに50%の⾼みに向け挑戦する旨を宣⾔しており、脱炭素社会の構築が求められている。 2019 年6 ⽉に我が国が議⻑国となり開催された、G20 持続可能な成⻑のためのエネルギー転換と地球環境に関する関係閣僚会合では、イノベーションをテーマとする議論が⾏われ「軽井沢イノベーションアクションプラン」が採択された。こうしたG20 の成果を受けて...
The 2nd Webinar on Introduction of Japanese Environmental Technologies in India
The presentation focuses on financing MSMEs in India. It provides a few recommendations to strengthen the Japan-Indian Technology Matchmaking Platform, established by IGES and TERI, to promote MSMEs' access to sustainable/green finance.
Training Program on Japanese low carbon technologies and best practices
The presentation was presented at a training program on Japanese low carbon technologies and best practices which was held on 20 January 2017, Pune, India. It highlighted the key findings from IGES-TERI efforts to promote the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India. It emphasized mainly IGES-TERI's initiative to launch Japan-India...
Awareness Workshop: Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India
The presentation was presented at a dissemination workshop held on 16 November 2016, Mumbai, India. It introduced the key findings from IGES-TERI joint activities on promoting the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India and their initiative of launching Japan-India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP).
Awareness Workshop: Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India
The presentation shared the key findings from IGES and TERI's joint activities regarding the promotion of the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India. It emphasised on the initiation of Japan-India technology matchmaking platform which promotes mutually beneficial engagement of Japanese and Indian stakeholders in clean energy...