Results 1 - 10 of 33 (Sorted by date)
Conference Paper
カーボンプライシングによる産業分野への影響を把握する方法としては、経済モデルシミュレーションにより、産業部門ごとにその影響を定量化する方法が用いられることが一般的であり、各部門に対する全体的な影響は、減免措置の制度設計などにおいて有益な情報となりうる。しかし、「2050年までの温室効果ガス大幅削減に向けた経済的措置に関する調査・検討」(IGESほか 2016)における「日本での本格的炭素税導入をめぐる議論」では、カーボンプライシングは、個々の企業にとって短期的にエネルギー及び原材料の調達コストの上昇のみを意味すると受け止められることが多い。これは、経済モデルシミュレーションで収益が増大しうる部門が発生しうると予測されたとしても同様であり...
Conference Paper
環境経済・政策学会2018 年大会
昨年発表した「先進事例におけるステークホルダー(家庭/産業部門)への影響を踏まえた制度設計のあり方」では、炭素税等の先進事例であるドイツにおける産業部門に対する影響分析では、製造業において業種間の特性の違いを考慮せず一律に導入した軽減措置により、労働集約型製造業が一部の非製造業より高いCO₂排出強度をもつにもかかわらず課税負担が小さくなるという逆転現象が発生していることを示した。このことから、軽減措置は製造業全体で一律に導入するのではなく、より細分化された業種単位で導入範囲を限定することが重要であるといえる。 また、地球環境戦略研究機関・名城大学。・国立環境研究所(2018)によれば、製造業に属する企業の営業利益に対する影響分析では、価格転嫁率が最も大きな要因の1つであり...
Conference Paper
環境経済・政策学会2017 年大会
Conference Paper
Opportunity cost analysis of land use changes in Karen indigenous community in Thailand °Jintana Kawasaki1, Yasuo Takahashi1, Henry Scheyvens1 and Prasert Trakansphakon2 Karen indigenous people most living in and around the state forests in northern Thailand have long been practicing the traditional rotation farming (RF) for their subsistence food...
Conference Paper
Third Asian Energy Modelling Workshop on Carbon Pricing and Investment towards Low Emissions: Uncertainty and Potential
There have been many proposals to address the competitiveness and carbon leakage concerns due to the asymmetric international arrangement for mitigating the global GHG emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon adjustment at the border has received special attention. The objective of border carbon adjustment (BCA) is to level the playing field...
Conference Paper
Third Annual of Green Growth Knowledge Platform Conference
In 2009, Indonesia has committed itself to reduce GHGs emission by 41% by 2020 with international assistances. Over all sectors, about 80% of total GHG emissions in Indonesia come from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). In line with this, Indonesia also started implementing "a green economy" in several major sectors such as forestry...
Conference Paper
2014 ISSAAS International Congress on Agricultural Changes in Southeast Asia: Past, Present and Future
Thai farmers plant eucalyptus trees on their unused farmlands with poor fertility soils to raise their incomes and in response to inducements from the Government. The conversion of unused farmlands to eucalyptus can contribute to climate change mitigation as the growing trees sequester carbon. To estimate the contribution of eucalyptus plantations...
Conference Paper
57th Autumn Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan
In this study, we investigated trends in the use of remote sensing (RS) to address some major global environmental issues to see if it is being increasingly or decreasingly used to address each issue. We considered several land, water, air, and integrated Earth system issues. Of the 12 environmental issues we considered, there was an increasing...
Conference Paper
65th International Astronautical Congress
The goal of this research is to develop a method for quantitative and objective assessment of the effect of satellite Earth observations on environmental policy. For this purpose, as an initial case study, the protection of the ozone layer is taken up to analyze the different phases and processes where satellite observations might have had an...