Results 1 - 10 of 11 (Sorted by date)
Data or Tool
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
Policy Brief
Linda Anne
This policy brief outlines some of the discussions at a series of science-policy dialogues for countries of the Asia-Pacific region, held between February and October 2019. The purpose of the dialogues was to introduce biodiversity policymakers, and other stakeholders from these countries, to the IPBES Regional Assessment Report for Asia and the...
Policy Brief
This policy brief outlines some of the discussions at a series of science-policy dialogues for countries of the Asia-Pacific region, held between February and October 2019. The purpose of the dialogues was to introduce biodiversity policymakers, and other stakeholders from these countries, to the IPBES Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific...
Data or Tool
IGES made a proposal of an MRV methodology for the JCM projects which installs solar PV systems to the JCM Joint Committee between Chile and Japan. The Joint Committee approved a methodology CL_AM001 Ver1.0 "Installation of Solar PV System" on the basis of this proposal. The attached version (PM_001) includes three documents: the JCM Proposed...
Data or Tool
The Sustainable Cities Database is a new information resource to help sustainable development actors identify potential partner cities for low-carbon technology transfer projects. Spatial and Demographic Indicators: Spatial and demographic characteristics are described using a range of indicators, including population size and density, natural...
この資料は、2018年に生物多様性と生態系サービスに関する政府間科学-政策プラットフォーム(IPBES)が発表した、生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関するアジア・オセアニア地域評価の政策決定者向け要約(SPM)の全体概要をスライド1枚にまとめたものです。 This is a one-pager Japanese slide that summarises the overview of the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Regional Assessment on...
この資料は、2018年に生物多様性と生態系サービスに関する政府間科学-政策プラットフォーム(IPBES)が発表した、生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関するアジア・オセアニア地域評価の政策決定者向け要約(SPM)の一般の方への解説用に作成したスライドです。 With the general audience in mind, this Japanese material briefs the contents of the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Regional...
Conference Proceeding
Science-Policy Dialogue in Oceania on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
The purpose of the Oceania Sub-regional dialogue was to facilitate understanding of the findings of the Assessment, including policy options to mitigate the deterioration of biodiversity and ecosystems in the region. The feedback from delegates relating to the effectiveness and uptake of the IPBES Assessment include: low visibility of the...
Commissioned Report
途上国の森林減少・劣化に由来する温室効果ガス排出の削減等(以下「REDD+」という。)は重要な気候変動対策であり、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の第21回締約国会議(COP21)で合意された「パリ協定」にもその実施と支援を奨励することが明記されたところである。 REDD+の推進には、途上国に対する資金と技術の提供が必要とされているが、公的資金には限界があることから、今後、REDD+の取組みを拡大していくには、民間セクターからの資金や技術の提供が鍵となる。しかしながら、民間セクターがREDD+に対して投資するには、排出削減クレジットが獲得できる等のインセンティブが必要(①)とされる。また、途上国がREDD+を実施するには、COP決定を踏まえつつ、各々の国情に応じた排出削減量の算定...