Results 1 - 10 of 19 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
本書は 北九州市の海外水ビジネスの展開状況をまとめたものである。 第 1 章で海外水ビジネス市場の動向と北九州市の国際協力の歩みについて触れ、第 2 章で 100 年以上の歴史を有する北九州市の上下水道がどのように整備されてきたかを振り返り、第 3 章では北九州市のカンボジアとベトナムでの海外展開の事例を詳述し、第 4 章では海外展開を進める市内企業 4 社に焦点を当ててその展開のアプローチを紹介し、最後の第 5 章において北九州市から海外に拡がる水ビジネスの今後について考察する構成となっている。 なお、本書は、北九州市産業技術保存継承センター(北九州イノベーションギャラリー)の調査研究事業の一環で作成されたものである。
Data or Tool
The Sustainable Cities Database is a new information resource to help sustainable development actors identify potential partner cities for low-carbon technology transfer projects. Spatial and Demographic Indicators: Spatial and demographic characteristics are described using a range of indicators, including population size and density, natural...
Training or Learning Material
Developing a Waste Management Strategy Focusing on Waste as a Resource: the Case of Mandalay City [IGES e-Learning Series] is made up of two videos: 1) Addressing Mandalay's Waste Crisis – A Community in Transition 2) Developing a Waste Management Strategy: Transforming Waste from Problem to Resource These two educational videos highlight the...
Training or Learning Material
Developing a Waste Management Strategy Focusing on Waste as a Resource: the Case of Mandalay City [IGES e-Learning Series] is made up of two videos: 1) Addressing Mandalay's Waste Crisis – A Community in Transition 2) Developing a Waste Management Strategy: Transforming Waste from Problem to Resource These two educational videos highlight the...
Commissioned Report
Ministry of Environment of Japan - Commissioned Report
This draft report documents progress made on the “Low Carbon Technology Transfer Preparedness Database Project”, supported by the Ministry of Environment Japan in FY 2014. The report’s key focus lies on documenting subnational data gaps, sources and access issues whilst also describing contributions made to international processes on data and...
Commissioned Report
This quick study was conducted to gather overall information on environmental challenges, measures taken by the national government and other key players as well as multilateral and bilateral development partners, and thus to inform options of proposals regarding potential environmental cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment of Japan...