Results 1 - 10 of 35 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
Negombo City is one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in Sri Lanka. It is the major commercial and transport centre, and main health service provider for the region. However, municipal solid waste management is a pressing concern for Negombo due to expanding urbanization, increasing income, lack of public awareness, changes in consumption...
Book Chapter
In Sustainable Waste Management Challenges in Developing Countries
Myanmar, the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia, has been facing considerable challenges with the management of solid waste in the recent past because of increasing income and consumption patterns, urban growth, and lack of effective waste management policies, treatment, and disposal methods. Waste management is also a crosscutting issue...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
Addressing the prevailing mode of high-carbon lifestyles is crucial for the transition towards a net-zero carbon society. Existing studies fail to fully investigate the underlining factors of unsustainable lifestyles beyond individual determinants nor consider the gaps between current footprints and reduction targets. This study examines latent...
Policy Report
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest global threats. Plastics use and waste have been rapidly growing, in particularly emerging Asia. Southeast Asia, with its high population density, strong economic dynamism, and generally inadequate waste management systems, is a hotspot for the challenges. With this as a background, ASEAN and the EU have...
Report Chapter
In Global Environment Outlook 6 For Industry in Asia-Pacific
Asia and the Pacific’s unrelenting industrial development has been a driving force in the economic growth of scores of countries in the region and beyond. This shift has led to greater prosperity, increased urbanization and sustained population growth. Yet as the region has become the “world’s factory”, it is increasingly realizing not only the...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development (JREAD)
This paper details the efforts made by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), under their Japan–India collaborative projects, to promote low carbon technologies (LCT) among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India. The empirical evidence gathered during the projects show that three...
Report Chapter
Industry, in the context of this chapter, is mostly confined to the strict definition of the word: -“economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories”. Industry has a major impact on nature and its biodi- versity in Asia and the Pacific, as it does elsewhere in the world. Industry impacts...
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Building, Urban, Interior and Landscape Technology (BUILT)
The term of “Appropriate Technology (AT)”, introduced by Schumacher which refers to all kind of technologies including environmental technology, has been since developed into a global discourse on technology advancement and its impacts of implementation on human civilisation as seen from various perspectives. The technology could also relate to the...
Research Report
Tämä raportti ehdottaa hiilijalanjälkitavoitteita ja vaihtoehtoja sille, miten yhteiskunta voi elämäntapamuutosten kautta rajoittaa ilmaston lämpenemisen enintään 1,5 asteeseen Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Sekä aihetta käsittelevä kirjallisuus että poliittinen päätöksenteko ja liike-elämä ovat toistaiseksi keskittyneet...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability
Anil Kumar
The last century has been largely characterised by (among many other things) increasing urbanisation, with cities across the world (including India) expanding in both number and size. Infrastructure growth, expansion of cities and consumption pattern of urban inhabitants are significant having enormous impact on ecosystems and natural resources...