Results 1 - 10 of 22 (Sorted by date)
Submission to Policy Process
Padang City, the capital of West Sumatra Province, has a population of 982,884 people as of 2021. A field study was carried out and showed that waste generation in the city reached 660.50 tonnes/day while the volume of waste disposed of at the Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA: final disposal site in Bahasa Indonesia) Aia Dingin in 2021 was 478 tonnes...
Submission to Policy Process
Kota Padang, ibu kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat, berpenduduk 982.884 jiwa per tahun 2021. Studi lapangan yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa timbulan sampah di kota tersebut mencapai 660.50 ton/hari sedangkan volume sampah yang dibuang di Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (dalam Bahasa Indonesia disebut Tempat Pembuangan Akhir/TPA) Aia Dingin pada tahun 2021...
Submission to Policy Process
本ガイドラインは、アジアの開発途上国の都市において、主に家庭廃棄物と商業廃棄物であるMSWを対象とするWtE焼却技術に焦点を当てている。本ガイドラインは、WtE焼却について明確に理解する上で参考になる付加的な知識や情報を求める、国および都市レベルの意思決定者および政策立案者、住民やその他関係者が、廃棄物管理の改善に役立つ適切な選択肢としてWtE焼却技術導入の実現可能性について検討するのを支援することを目的としている。本ガイドラインは、 以下のことを提供する。 (1)WtE焼却技術を、そのメリットとデメリットを含め全体的に理解できるようにし、持続可能なWtE焼却プラントを計画する上での技術的および非技術的側面について説明する。 (2)WtE焼却技術の導入可能性を検討する際に...
Submission to Policy Process
本ガイドラインは、アジアの開発途上国の都市を対象に、有機性廃棄物の発生源での分別と、都市廃棄物処理施設における好気性発酵による堆肥化の活用を図ることに焦点を当てている。 またこのガイドラインは、堆肥化の妥当性を検討するための技術的知見をほとんど、あるいは一切持っていない地方の政策立案者や意思決定者を対象に、廃棄物処理の改善に向けての適切な戦略の選択肢としての堆肥化の導入について、その実現可能性の評価を支援することを目的としている。 このガイドラインは、 (1)堆肥化についてその長所と短所、および持続可能な堆肥化の立案のための技術的および非技術的側面について必要となる諸条件を始めとする堆肥システムの全体像を説明し、 (2)堆肥化プロジェクトの導入可能性を検討するに際して...
Submission to Policy Process
Asia and the Pacific Regional Multi-Stakeholder Consultation for Stockholm+50
At the Stockholm50 Regional Multistakeholder Consultations for the Asia-Pacific, IGES’ Yasuhiko Hotta co-facilitated Parallel Working Group 1 on plastics. The Asia-Pacific, particularly Southeast/East/South Asia has emerged as both a major source & a hotspot of plastic pollution. At the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), countries agreed to end...
Submission to Policy Process
Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues
CESD Sounding Board
The members of the Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues (CESD) Sounding Board, call for decisive action to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The Call for Action is supported by Sounding Board members representing low-, middle- and high-income countries as well as international, local, public and private organizations.
Submission to Policy Process
Plastics are part of everyday life for most of the people in the world and it is also used extensively in the industry. Globally about 368 million tonnes are produced annually where Asia accounts for more than half of the global plastic production. Sri Lanka currently imports virgin plastic raw materials for varying applications which amounts to...
Submission to Policy Process
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management, particularly final disposal as open dumps has become a global issue. Worldwide, dumpsites are the third largest anthropogenic source of methane, accounting for 11 percent of estimated global methane emissions or 881 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The 50 largest dumpsites affect the daily lives of 64...
Submission to Policy Process
Emani Kumar
Soumya Chaturvedula
Ritu Thakur
Achu R Sekhar
Rahul Singh
Sumskrutha Shroff
Anuradha Adhikari
Harini Kolli
Plastics are an integral part of our daily life. Today, the linear model of “make, use, and dispose” plastic materials poses a serious threat to the public health and environment. Though there are a large number of interventions made across the country, the impact is not yet visible. It is realised that challenges with plastic waste are so...
Submission to Policy Process
This submission, which includes a paper maintaining that indigenous knowledge and philosophical richness can help Asia transition to a more sustainable development paths, argues for a greater focus on looking back as countries move toward a post-pandemic future. More concretely, the paper outlines why and how countries in Asia should collaborate in...