Results 1 - 10 of 10 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend on subnational governments. This paper argues India’s subnational governments have significant potential to capitalise on diverse natural resource...
Discussion Paper
農地において支柱を立てて上部空間に太陽光発電設備を設置し、下部空間では営農を継続しながら発電を行う営農型太陽光発電(ソーラーシェアリング)は、再生可能エネルギー導入量の拡大が見込めること、農業者の収入拡大による農業経営の改善や6次産業化の推進も期待できることから、政府として推進する方針が掲げられ、様々な制度で導入促進が図られている。 例えば、再生可能エネルギーの導入促進のために固定価格買取制度が導入されているが、営農型太陽光発電と野立太陽光発電で買取価格が区別されていない。しかしながら、両者は費用構造や事業リスクが異なり、導入によってもたらされる便益も異なることから、その性質に則して営農型太陽光発電の推進のための施策が導入されることが望ましい。...
Discussion Paper
兵庫県内の事業所を対象とする質問票調査を踏まえて、事業所における屋根上太陽光発電(PV)の導入状況と導入障壁を分析し、その克服策について検討した。まず、事業用電力の調達価格の分布から、多くの場合において太陽光発電の導入による自家消費が経済的なメリットを持ちうることを確認した。また、2021年8月時点で既にPVを導入している事業所は22%であり、導入していない事業所のうち6割以上は空き屋根スペースが十分にありPVの導入可能性があることが分かった。 また、空き屋根スペースが十分にある事業所においても、PV導入への関心が無い、屋根の状態が悪い、などPV導入の障壁となりうる状況がまちまちであり、障壁に応じたきめ細やかな対応が重要であると考えられる。潜在的な導入先を3つのセグメントに分け...
Discussion Paper
Hydrogen is a potentially transformative multi-functional fuel that could help many countries achieve ambitious decarbonisation targets. High concentrations of heavy industries and rising transport emissions make hydrogen’s potential particularly enticing in Asia. However, hydrogen’s widespread deployment requires assessing multiple dimensions of...
Discussion Paper
Intensifying ecological crises, such as climate change, the melting Arctic, and uncontrolled destruction of habitat and biodiversity, are increasingly exposing the shortcomings of resource-intensive development models. One of the concepts helping policymakers steer a course change is sustainable consumption production and consumption (SCP). A...
Discussion Paper
In this discussion paper, we demonstrate why and how co-innovation can serve as a critical enabler of a bilateral Japan-India partnership on hydrogen technologies. We argue that more than conventional approaches to technology transfer, co-innovation places a premium on the role of multi-stakeholder collaboration in triggering the transition from...
Discussion Paper
Japanese companies have pioneered the development of a large number of low-carbon technologies (LCTs). As a rapidly expanding economy with burgeoning energy requirements, India offers a significant potential market for Japanese LCTs. The industry sector in India accounts for a significant share of commercial energy use and hence carbon dioxide (CO2...
Discussion Paper
Learning from cultural traditions and philosophies could help place countries in Asia on more sustainable development paths. This paper argues why and outlines how countries in Asia should collaborate in pooling and promoting good practices grounded in indigenous knowledge and philosophies to mainstream sustainability at the local, national...
Discussion Paper
Unmanaged plastic waste poses a major socio-economic, environmental and health risk to urban and marine environments in the Asia Pacific. Each year South-east Asian countries produce 11.7 million metric tonnes of plastic waste, of which over 60% is derived from urban areas. Therefore a focus on effective city governance will be vital to tackle the...
Discussion Paper
This paper provides some background information on coal industry transition that has occurred recently in China, and shows prospects for better transition management with a focus on employment. Using statistical data and scenario analysis results provided in existing literature, changes in coal consumption, production and international trade in...