Results 1 - 10 of 25 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Coastal Conservation
Thang Trung Nguyen
Anh Ngoc Thi Nguyen
Globally, mangroves have been promoted to protect the coastal ecosystems and human settlements against weather vagaries including climate change impacts. However, climate change can also affect the mangrove ecosystems, affecting their ability to mitigate losses and damages caused by climate change. Recognizing the need to understand the impact of...
Technical Report
This report was prepared by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) under the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) project "Analysis of Timber Legality Assurance Systems and Good Practices in China and Viet Nam for Sustainable Timber Trade''. This ITTO project was made possible by funding from the Japanese government...
Technical Report
Xuan To
Xuan To
Sy Hoai
Xuan Thanh
This report was prepared by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) under the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) project "Analysis of Timber Legality Assurance Systems and Good Practices in China and Viet Nam for Sustainable Timber Trade''. This ITTO project was made possible by funding from the Japanese government...
Technical Report
Star Anise which is normally used for spice, is now focused as material for anti-flu medicine. Star Anise is currently produced only in China and Vietnam but there is potential to plant in mountainous area in South East Asia. This report provides star anise international market information as spice and technical information for planting and...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In Tropical Forest Update
Viet Nam has emerged as a globally important supplier of processed timber products, positioned as second in Asia and fifth in the world in export value. An ITTO-backed study has explored how to identify high-risk species in timber products exported from Viet Nam to Japan, including those using timber originating in other countries.
Policy Report
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) is monitoring the development of national REDD-plus systems in selected countries. This report provides a description and review of national REDD-plus readiness challenges, activities, and progress in Indonesia and Viet Nam, two countries that offer important contrasts for analytical inquiry...
Policy Brief
アジア太平洋地域の発展途上国で進んでいる森林減少の最大の要因は、違法かつ持続可能でない伐採である。違法伐採によって木材輸入国が安価な木材を大量に輸入できる一方で、輸出国の自然環境、森林の管理・経営(ガバナンス)、そして森林に依存して暮らしている人々の生活が犠牲になっている。木材輸入国においても発展途上国の適正な森林管理を促進する義務があることを認識して、現在多くの政府が合法で持続可能な木材の調達を支援する公共調達政策を導入している。これは、持続可能な開発を進める上で国際貿易を活用する極めて重要な一歩である。 本ポリシー・ブリーフは、日本、英国、オランダ及びフランスで実施されている木材公共調達政策を比較し、各国の手法の共通点と相違点を検証しながら...
Policy Brief
This policy brief includes a comparative analysis between Japan's public timber procurement policy and those of several European countries. In addition to identifying a set of elements that public timber procurement policies must include to favour legal and sustainable timber, it provides recommendations for further strengthening Japan's policy on...