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日本の「レンジャー」が体験したアメリカの国立公園での長期滞在ボランティア。それは、それまでの“アメリカの国立公園”観を覆す衝撃的な体験だった。国立公園到着の翌日から始まった体当たりのフィールドワーク、2度のアメリカ横断。2つの国立公園での長期研修と首都ワシントンでの内務省魚類野生生物局での実務研修を通じてようやく理解できたアメリカの自然保護政策とは!? ボランティアの活用、モニタリング調査、イメージ戦略など、国立公園を訪れただけではわからない舞台裏を、日米の国立公園と国立野生生物保護区の比較しながら描き出す。国立公園ボランティアへの応募や国立公園での生活の様子などもまじえながら、アメリカの国立公園でのボランティアの役割や活躍の様子なども紹介。なお...
Working Paper
This working paper assesses the groundwater-WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) nexus based on an analysis of domestic water uses in three groundwater dependent Asian Cities: Hanoi (Viet Nam), Kathmandu (Nepal), and Khulna (Bangladesh). The paper analyses the pull (benefits) and push (constraints) factors for use of groundwater by residents in...
Discussion Paper
This discussion paper presents the Action Research Project to Develop a National Quality-of-governance Standard for REDD+ and the Forest Sector in Nepal, which was launched by IGES, Griffith University and the University of Southern Queensland in 2011. The process of developing a voluntary national standard in Nepal through online surveys, key...
Book Chapter
In Groundwater Environment in Asian Cities: Concepts, Methods, and Case Studies
Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Groundwater has been a traditional source of water supply in Japan for a long period of time. After the country entered a rapid phase of industrialization and urbanization, there was an obvious increase in the pressures on the groundwater environment. Uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater soon led to the emergence of problems such as drawdown of...
Book Chapter
In Groundwater Environment in Asian Cities: Concepts, Methods, and Case Studies
Sangam Shrestha
Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Groundwater is a key resource in the process of socioeconomic development, as it constitutes above one fourth of the total renewable water resources in the entire subregion. Due to a lack of understanding and previous poor governance, environmental issues relating to groundwater such as depletion of groundwater resources and well yield (e.g...