Results 1 - 10 of 12 (Sorted by date)
Policy Brief
T7/G7 Task Force 2 Wellbeing, Environmental Sustainability, and Just Transition Policy Brief
Lima de Miranda
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into climate actions is essential for a healthy planet and people. Yet, national climate policies and international climate support programs often fail to explicitly recognize the interconnections between climate concerns and other priorities covered under the SDGs. This failure can leave key...
Data or Tool
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
Working Paper
This paper goes through the three historical experiences of carbon taxation in France and provides a detailed overview of the past attempts and current challenges to effectively put a price on carbon. By analysing the characteristics of each case, it explains the reasons for failure and success in adopting such tax and tries to help the reader...
Commissioned Report
This commissioned report presents the major outcomes of the project that aimed to set up a joint research project on urban transformation in collaboration with International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and to hold an international symposium to present the research outcomes in Tokyo, with the aim of contributing to the special...
Commissioned Report
This report summarises the findings of the following OECD initiatives that are particularly useful in considering the integrated implementation of domestic measures in Japan: the latest developments in OECD work on the environmental aspects of responsible corporate behaviour; the latest IPAC developments and good practices in climate policy; and...
Data or Tool
IGES made a proposal of an MRV methodology for the JCM projects which installs solar PV systems to the JCM Joint Committee between Japan and Costa Rica. The Joint Committee approved a methodology CR_AM001 Ver1.0 "Installation of Solar PV System" on the basis of this proposal. The attached version (PM_001) includes three documents: the JCM Proposed...
Data or Tool
The Sustainable Cities Database is a new information resource to help sustainable development actors identify potential partner cities for low-carbon technology transfer projects. Spatial and Demographic Indicators: Spatial and demographic characteristics are described using a range of indicators, including population size and density, natural...
PR, Newsletter or Other
This brochure of the Japan-France Collaboration on Climate Change and Long-Term Low Carbon Strategies gives an overview of the activities undertaken in 2017-2018 under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the French Ministry of Ecological and Social Transition (METS). Signed by both Ministers for...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The brochure on the Japan-France Collaboration on Long-Term Low Carbon Strategies, developed by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), gives an overview of the activities undertaken in 2016-2017 under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the French Ministry of Environment...
Commissioned Report
REDD+の効果的な実施に向けた具体的な方策を示すため、REDD+の国際的な制度の動向等について多角的に調査・分析を行い、得られた結果について体系的に整理した。1-1ではUNFCCCを中心とした国際的な議論の動向について取りまとめた。1-2では、既存のクレジット制度である京都メカニズムの共同実施に注目した。1-3では、現在進んでいるREDD+に係る資金拠出に係る取組状況として、緑の気候基金、世界銀行の森林炭素パートナーシップ基金、The REDD+ Early Movers Programについて調査した。1-4では、REDD+に関する政策的な検討や各国の緩和対策の中での位置付けとREDD+活動の実施状況を、JCMパートナー国5カ国(インドネシア、ベトナム、カンボジア、ラオス、コスタリカ...