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Commentary (Op. Ed)
Commentary (Op. Ed)
Countries need to update and enhance their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) every five years to achieve the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement (PA). Article 6 market mechanisms under the PA allow countries to utilize internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) toward their NDC targets. We are seeing a growing trend of...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
Carbon Brief
Our recent study, published in Climate Policy , explores 133 developing countries’ progress towards providing regular “greenhouse gas inventories” under the UN system between 1997 and 2019. Overall, we found that more than half of the world’s developing nations, including small-island states in the Pacific and the Caribbean and several African...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
G7 recently released a 36-page communique on their plan to achieve net-zero emissions. It reinforces the demand for critical minerals and lays out the future agenda for critical minerals. Critical minerals are essential for deployment of renewable energy technologies that help us fight climate change. It is time G20 chalks its own critical minerals...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
Commentary (Op. Ed)
Nikkei Asia
The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change contains a mechanism, known as the Global Stocktake (GST), to collectively assess progress toward meeting its long-term goals for climate mitigation, adaptation and finance every five years. The outcomes of the GST then are to update their nationally determined contributions to the accord's goals based on...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
Commentary on reporting options under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. In this paper, we provided a summary of reporting options and its evaluation for the three information items which are required in the initial report and regular information under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement: 1) Timing of submission of the initial report; 2)...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
10月26日に行われた、菅内閣総理大臣の所信表明演説で「2050年脱炭素社会の実現」を目指すとした方針についての、IGESコメントです。 脱炭素化の方向性と時間軸を明確に示すことは、企業や投資家の長期的視点に立った経営・投資判断を支えることにつながります。また、2050年脱炭素化は、パリ協定が目指す1.5℃目標にも整合する非常に野心的な目標で、総理大臣自らが2050年脱炭素化社会の実現を宣言したことをIGESは大いに歓迎します。 一方で、新型コロナウイルスによって減速した日本経済の立て直しに向けた経済復興策は、欧州における「欧州グリーンディール」のような、経済刺激策を気候変動やその他の環境課題への対策と結び付ける対策が乏しく、令和3年度予算編成におけるグリーンディールの作り込みが急務です。...
Commentary (Op. Ed)