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Briefing Note
This short essay discusses the national policy development in Japan moving from a society based on mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-disposal towards establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society (SMC). It looks at how Japan has successfully created a local resource efficiency and regional vitalisation based on a harmonised approach toward...
Briefing Note
英国・グラスゴーで開催された国連気候変動枠組条約第26回締約国会議(COP26)は、1日延長の上無事に合意文書を採択し、閉会した。英国は議長国として、気候変動の影響に対して脆弱な国々の適応とレジリエンス強化を優先課題の一つとして位置づけ、適応に関連する様々なイニシアティブを立ち上げてきたが、本会合においても適応に関わる議題が多く議論された。成果文書である「グラスゴー気候合意(Glasgow Climate Pact)」においては、途上国が気候変動に対する適応能力を高め、レジリエンスの強化と脆弱性の低減を実現するために、資金、能力強化、技術移転を含む行動と支援の規模を拡大することの緊急性が強調された。本稿では、COP26およびパリ協定第3回締約国会合(CMA3...
Briefing Note
This briefing note considers the prospects for the Biden administration’s climate policy. It surveys the main elements of the Biden administration’s climate policies in his first month in office, as well as what is not included, and it speculates on the potential for these policies to be adopted and implemented. Key personnel and the overall...
Briefing Note
In August 2019, the IPCC [1] Special Report on Climate Change and Land [2] (SRCCL), which synthesises the latest available scientific knowledge on the relationship between climate change and land use, was released. When we think about land use, the concept sounds somewhat distant from our day-to-day lives; however, various resources, including food...
Briefing Note
This Briefing Note explores the implications for climate change, green finance, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the G20 Summit which was held in Hamburg, Germany, on 7-8 July 2017. On climate, the final encouraging result was a consensus among all countries except for the US to maintain strong support for implementation of the Paris...
Briefing Note
This briefing note surveys early hints and speculations regarding the Trump Administration’s possible climate policies and personnel appointments, and discusses them in the context of the surrounding domestic political context and institutional decision-making processes. A few areas for cautious optimism are identified and obstacles to the...
Briefing Note
The first G20 Summit meeting in China was held in Hangzhou on 4 and 5 September, 2016. This IGES Briefing Note considers the implications of the meeting for climate change, green finance and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the overall context of holding the meeting in China for the first time. From a sustainability perspective, the...