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Discussion Paper
2014年11月12日、米中首脳会談後の共同声明において、米国と中国が、以下のような温室効果ガス(GHG)の排出削減目標を発表した。 o 米国:2025年までにGHG排出量を2005年比で26~28%削減 o 中国:2030年頃までに、なるべく早い時期にCO2排出量を頭打ち(ピークアウト); 一次エネルギー消費における非化石燃料の割合を2030年までに約20%  本稿では、米中の2020年以降の温暖化対策目標について、既存文献で示される両国の排出経路シナリオと比較することにより、目標の野心度についての評価を行った。評価するに当たり、気温上昇2℃未満抑制に向けた排出経路との整合性、及び目標達成のための追加的な努力の必要性、という二つの評価軸を用いた。前者は環境十全性の視点から評価であり...
Discussion Paper
Peer-reviewed Article
In ECO: The Korean Journal of Environmental Sociology
From North Asia's "airpocalypses" to South Asia's water crisis, the signs that Asia needs to transition to more sustainable development models are as clear as they are compelling. There is also an equally compelling body of literature on how countries can transition to more sustainable development models. However, much of the sustainable...
Discussion Paper
Th is report was developed by Friends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) with updated case studies as an English-language version of the Japanese report “Yori sukunai shigen de yori yutakana kurashi wo (A Richer Life with Fewer Resources),” published by FoE Japan in March 2013. This report...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
As a nation, we are becoming increasingly aware of our impact on the environment, particularly since Indonesia is the second richest country in the world in regards to biodiversity. Our lifestyle and consumption choices are putting pressure on the environment and natural resources, and it is crucial for our education system to address this reality...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
Sebagai sebuah negara, kita makin menyadari dampak negatif tindakan manusia pada lingkungan, khususnya di Indonesia sebagai negara kedua terkaya di dunia dari segi keaneka-ragaman hayati yang sedang dalam ancaman serius. Gaya hidup kita dan pilihan konsumsi telah memberi tekanan pada lingkungan dan sumber daya alam, dan karenanya menjadi krusial...