Results 1 - 10 of 33 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In ECO: The Korean Journal of Environmental Sociology
From North Asia's "airpocalypses" to South Asia's water crisis, the signs that Asia needs to transition to more sustainable development models are as clear as they are compelling. There is also an equally compelling body of literature on how countries can transition to more sustainable development models. However, much of the sustainable...
Issue Brief
The overall objective of the REDUCTIONS* project is to identify the potential for absolute resource and energy use reduction in production-consumption systems at all levels and to explore ways to realise this potential. The project has the ambition to generate knowledge-for-action and aims to propose science-based policies and strategies with a...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
As a nation, we are becoming increasingly aware of our impact on the environment, particularly since Indonesia is the second richest country in the world in regards to biodiversity. Our lifestyle and consumption choices are putting pressure on the environment and natural resources, and it is crucial for our education system to address this reality...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
Sebagai sebuah negara, kita makin menyadari dampak negatif tindakan manusia pada lingkungan, khususnya di Indonesia sebagai negara kedua terkaya di dunia dari segi keaneka-ragaman hayati yang sedang dalam ancaman serius. Gaya hidup kita dan pilihan konsumsi telah memberi tekanan pada lingkungan dan sumber daya alam, dan karenanya menjadi krusial...
Policy Report
Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment
Kitakyushu City
Surabaya City, the regional capital and the second largest city in Indonesia with three million inhabitants, has successfully achieved 10% waste reduction in 3 years (200t/d waste reduction; 1,500-1,600t/d of waste in 2005 to 1,300t/d in 2007). The achievement was made through 1) distribution of 17,000 units of household compost baskets, 2) setting...
Policy Report
Kitakyushu Initiative Research
The problem of solid waste management has nowadays arisen into critical issues in some big cities of Indonesia. Whole responsibility for the waste services is mostly carried by its local governments (LGs). The mixed waste is collected at household level, transported and disposed to the dumping site. As the result, it is threaten the lifetime of...
Policy Brief
アジア太平洋地域の発展途上国で進んでいる森林減少の最大の要因は、違法かつ持続可能でない伐採である。違法伐採によって木材輸入国が安価な木材を大量に輸入できる一方で、輸出国の自然環境、森林の管理・経営(ガバナンス)、そして森林に依存して暮らしている人々の生活が犠牲になっている。木材輸入国においても発展途上国の適正な森林管理を促進する義務があることを認識して、現在多くの政府が合法で持続可能な木材の調達を支援する公共調達政策を導入している。これは、持続可能な開発を進める上で国際貿易を活用する極めて重要な一歩である。 本ポリシー・ブリーフは、日本、英国、オランダ及びフランスで実施されている木材公共調達政策を比較し、各国の手法の共通点と相違点を検証しながら...