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E-newsletter IGES
29 June 2018
Registration for International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific 2018 (ISAP2018) on 18-19 July at Pacifico Yokohama closing on 3 July
The deadline is approaching for registration at the International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP), the annual headline event co-organised by IGES and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). Registration for ISAP will close on Tuesday, 3 July. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, as registration for each session will close when capacity is reached.
Please visit the dedicated ISAP2018 website where you can get information on each session, speakers etc.

Registration opens for International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) 10th Annual Meeting on 17 July at Pacifico Yokohama

IGES serves as the Secretariat of the International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet). LCS-RNet will organise its 10th annual meeting, entitled “Time for action towards an ambitious decarbonised world”, inviting prominent researchers from all over the world who are renowned for their contribution to IPCC reports, and other major achievements. This annual meeting will share actions towards an ambitious decarbonised world in various regions and sectors, and discuss how to implement these actions effectively.

For details, please visit:

Launch of the portal website for the Talanoa Dialogue in Japan, "Talanoa JAPAN: A portal of best practices to shape the future on climate change"

The portal website was launched for the Talanoa Dialogue in Japan, "Talanoa JAPAN: A portal of best practices to shape the future on climate change" implemented by Ministry of the Environment with IGES serving as its secretariat. The aim of the portal is to improve motivation to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement by sharing good practices related to efforts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Talanoa JAPAN: A portal of best practices to shape the future on climate change/
Talanoa JAPAN official Facebook page/URL:
Talanoa JAPAN official Twitter account/User name: @talanoajapan

Start of IGES official social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter)

IGES made its official start on social media with accounts on Facebook and Twitter. We will continue to disseminate useful information to those who are working on day-to-day basis on environmental issues and to those who are just interested in the latest environmental news.

IGES official Facebook page/URL:
IGES official Twitter account/User name: @IGES_EN

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