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13 March 2020
Rape blossoms
Activity Report “Integrating and Localising Global Sustainability Agenda through Voluntary Local Reviews in Cities”
On 12 February, at the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi, IGES organised this session with ICLEI to promote suitable approaches to the VLRs (Voluntary Local Reviews), to build capacity for cities to implement them, and to present IGES research outputs. Bringing together representatives from cities to share VLR lessons learnt, IGES encouraged participants to discuss ways to conduct the VLRs and the reasons behind this implementation, as well as what the 2nd generation of VLRs should look like going forward.

More details available here

Activity Report “Launching of National Waste Management Strategy and Master Plan (NWMSMP) in Myanmar”
On 4 February, the National Waste Management Strategy and Master Plan (NWMSMP, 2018-2030), which has been supported by the IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET), was launched by the government of Myanmar. The NWMSMP is the first national initiative aimed at institutionalising waste management, and as such provides a vision document and strategic guide for addressing key issues, opportunities and challenges associated with achieving a resource efficient and zero waste society. At the launch event, Kazunobu Onogawa, Director of CCET, highlighted the importance of the NWMSMP in achieving SDGs and gave an example of collaboration with Mandalay City.

More details available here

Activity Report “Seminar on Climate Actions and the Joint Crediting Mechanism in Indonesia”
On 23 January, IGES and the Indonesia JCM Secretariat, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Indonesia (CMEA) jointly organised the “Seminar on Climate Actions and the Joint Crediting Mechanism in Indonesia”. The seminar focused on results of the negotiations on Article 6 at COP25, the latest updates on carbon pricing in Indonesia, and the current status and contributions of the JCM in Indonesia.

More details available here

Activity Report "Workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism in the Lao PDR: Contribution to NDC Roadmap and SDGs Implementation"
On 21 January, IGES organised a workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in Lao PDR. The workshop aimed to promote further dissemination of low-carbon technologies in the country, through the JCM. This included updating information on the JCM financing scheme, reviewing project experiences, and sharing contributions to the achievement of the NDC and SDGs through the JCM.

More details available here

Strategies to Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution from Land-based Sources in Low and Middle - Income Countries Policy Report:
"Strategies to Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution from Land-based Sources in Low and Middle - Income Countries" (UNEP/IGES)

Marine plastic pollution has become an issue of global focus today, with land-based sources recognised as the main cause. Based on a literature review and action research in two selected Asian countries (India and Indonesia), this report emphasises the urgency of addressing this issue within overall waste management policies and systems. It proposes a set of priority strategies and policy interventions in the short-, medium- and long-term in low- and middle-income countries on how to reduce marine plastic pollution from land-based pathways.


Policy Report: "Environmental Changes in Tonle Sap Lake and its Floodplain: Status and Policy Recommendations" (IGES/Tokyo Institute of Technology/Institute of Technology of Cambodia)

Book Chapter: "Enhancing Capacities for Building Climate and Disaster-Resilient Cities in Asia: Case Study of Cebu, Philippines and Nonthaburi, Thailand" (within Resilient Policies in Asian Cities: Adaptation to Climate Change and Natural Disasters / Springer Nature)

Peer-reviewed Article: "Mineral Soil Texture–Land Cover Dependency on Microwave Dielectric Models in an Arid Environment" (Land)

Peer-reviewed Article: "Technology Foresight for Social Good: Social Implications of Technological Innovation by 2050 from a Global Expert Survey" (Technological Forecasting and Social Change)

Peer-reviewed Article: "Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Data to Monitor Terrestrial Ecosystem Responses to Climate Variations in Ghana" (Geocarto International)

Recruitment The Research and Publications Unit of the Strategic Management Office calls for Internship applicants

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